Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

Han Donghoon is an incarnation in charge of Dongmyo Station who appears in Main Scenario 4. He starts hypnotized by Lee Sungkook. In the original novel, he was the Hermit King of the Shadows, one of the Seven Kings.


“The face seemed only a few years older than Gilyoung. The boy had dark circles and sat on the chair in his pajamas.”[1]


Han Donghoon is very shy, to the point of not being able to speak to others except through typing on a screen. He seems to be a very cautious person with a frail constitution. His skills imply that prior to the scenarios he lived isolated from other people and spent most of his time on the internet.


In Three Ways to Survive in a Ruined World he is one of the Seven kings. In some regressions he was an ally to Yoo Joonghyuk.

In the original 1863rd regression he died.


Main Scenario 4[]

He was in charge of Dongmyo Station and was hypnotized by Lee Sungkook and exploited by the Prophets because of his skill, Wide Area Internet. He was used by the Prophets to communicate with each other. He was later disenchanted by Kim Dokja(who was then masquerading as Yoo Joonghyuk) after being fed Mental Awakening medicine.

Han Donghoon was initially skeptical about Kim Dokja and believed that Kim Dokja was going to make use of him like the Prophets did but grew to moderately trust him afterwards.

Main Scenario 5[]

Han Donghoon and Lee Gilyoung meets Kim Dokja, Yoo Sangah, and Shin Yoosung after the trio crosses the Han River.

Han Donghoon is present when Yoo Joonghyuk breaks the wall of the Seoul Dome.

In the world of the 1863rd regression he works for the 1863rd Han Sooyoung maintaining a wide communication network with other allied incarnations such as Min Jiwon.

Han Donghoon did not join the group regression and remained in the 1864th round. After the scenarios Han Donghoon is in the museum that Yoo Joonghyuk breaks into.


Personal Attribute[]

  • Noble Invalid Hermit (Hero)

Personal skills[]

  • Wide-area Internet Lv. 5
  • Comments Manipulation Lv. 3
  • Keyboard Attack Lv. 3
  • Small Eater Lv. 6
  • Sound Wave Blocking Lv. 2


  • Lack of Presence Lv. 2

Overall Stats[]

  • Physique Lv. 10
  • Strength Lv. 10
  • Agility Lv. 19
  • Magic Power Lv. 26.

Overall Evaluation[]

  • A person who is the peak of the Noble Invalid Hermit type. His Wide-area Internet skill installs a virtual LAN cable to specific devices through the dokkaebi channels. He has an amazing ability to incite public opinion but has weak mental defenses. The sponsor was very dissatisfied with the circumstances of his hypnotized incarnation.




