Ganul is an intermediate dokkaebi in charge of Main Scenario 6.
In the Webtoon she has thick, fluffy, and solid colored white fur. Ganul's horns turn upwards. She has clawed paws, and long, goat-like ears extending from her head. She has a small tuft of fur on her forehead.
Her eyes are yellow, with black sclera and long eyelashes. Ganul dresses nicely, wearing a white blouse and slacks, according with her rank as an intermediate dokkaebi.
Ganul, like most dokkaebi seems to be somewhat sadistic and cruel when it comes to running her scenarios. She enjoys the violence that the disasters inflict on the little people. However, she also follows the rules of the Star Stream as seen how she does not interfere with or disapprove of how Kim Dokja's Company handle the scenario and how she is panicked by the actions of Yamata no Orochi.
Ganul is in charge of the Peace Land scenario. She has to contact the bureau for an emergency when Yamata no Orochi breaks the probability of the scenario.
- Ganul is the first an only female dokkaebi other Biyoo seen in the novel.
- Her name means 'poise' in Korean.