Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

Gabriel, also known by her modifier Lily Blooming in Aquarius, is a constellation and an archangel of <Eden>. She is Uriel's comrade. Alongside Jophiel, Gabriel is sent on an assignment by Metatron to accompany Kim Dokja to the 1863rd round.


Gabriel is caring and takes good care of the other angels.[1] She sometimes acts bit rude and standoffish and can act a bit impulsively but she cares very much about Eden and Uriel and will do anything for them.


As an archangel Gabriel has multiple pairs of wings. She is decribed as looking wane and having long eyelashes. In her symbolic form she is a white lily.

In the official novel art she appears as a woman with long silver hair.


After Uriel appears in the 73rd Demon Realm to help Kim Dokja, Gabriel is among the high ranking archangels from <Eden> who enter the channel and open an emergency meeting, summoning all demon kings and archangels in the scenario.[2]

Later, while acting as a teaching assistant alongside the other archangels as Jophiel lectures the low ranking angels of <Eden>, Gabriel notices that Uriel isn't there. She's surprised to learn that Uriel is being scolded by Metatron, and laughs when Raphael tells her Uriel has been banned from the livestream for the next three years. All of the archangels are called to meet with Metatron. When Raguel says Uriel's punishment seems excessive, Gabriel disagrees and criticizes Uriel and her recent behavior, Metatron calms them down and announces that, in connection to the Demon Realm Convention, the task of monitoring the Demon King of Salvation will be given to one of them. Gabriel notes that that assignment was originally Uriel's. Because the others are busy with other work, Gabriel is the one he ultimately chooses to take up Uriel's former mission. Jophiel is assigned to make sure Gabriel stays on track.[3]

A few days afterward, Kim Dokja finds Jophiel and Gabriel in the form of two flowers, a red cosmos and a lily, in the chest pocket of his coat and assumes one of the kids put them there.[3] However, Kim Dokja realizes their identities when passing through the portal to the 1863rd round and calls upon them when battling Demon Kings and constellations of the absolute evil system.[4]

Gabriel wants to stay behind in the 1863rd round to take care of the violent and unstable Uriel of that round, however, Jophiel volunteers to stay instead because her abilities allow her to contain Uriel and she claims that their Uriel needs Gabriel there with her. Back in Eden Gabriel takes the blame for Jophiel staying behind to protect Kim Dokja.

Gabriel becomes injured during the War of Demons and Saints but is protected from Michael's rampage by the other archangels who use their statuses to send her away. Uriel and Kim Dokja protect her unconscious body.

After the scenarios have ended she lives together with Uriel and they share a bunk bed.[5]



Jophiel seems to find Gabriel to be a bit immature as she was assigned to make sure she did her job right however she is shown to care for as she stays behind in the 1863rd round.


Though she sometimes acts somewhat rude to her, Gabriel cares about Uriel an extreme amount. She compares their relationship to that of Kim Dokja and Yoo Joonghyuk's calling it a companionship; where they argue but always have each other's back. Jophiel believes that Uriel would become unstable without Gabriel around.


Gabriel respects Metatron and follows his orders, however she does not always agree with his decisions, especially those regarding Uriel. and is horrified by his betrayal during the War of Saints and Demons.




  • Preference Scale: A huge divine spear used by Gabriel that can erase being of evil from existence.[4]


  • Revelation of the Apocalypse: A story belonging to Gabriel.


  • The English translation of the novel originally used male pronouns for Gabriel during her first appearance due to the lack of gendered pronouns in Korean. The translation switched to female pronouns after context indicated that she was female.
  • In the 1863rd round Gabriel betrayed Eden for an unknown reason, leading to it's downfall.
  • Gabriel's modifier Lily Blooming in Aquarius comes from the the fact that Gabriel is the angel who is associated with Aquarius, and is often depicted holding a lily.[6]


  1. ORV Novel Chapter 299 (read original)
  2. Chapter 272
  3. 3.0 3.1 Chapter 278
  4. 4.0 4.1 ORV Novel Chapter 287
  5. ORV Novel Chapter 529 (read original)
  6. Flowers of the Annunciation


