Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

Episode 37 – Landscape of the Demon World is the thirty-seventh episode of the webnovel Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.


Kim Dokja starts to walk through the horizon of the story in the 73rd Demon Realm, making his way towards the Syswitz Industrial Complex. Upon sneaking inside the city, the Fourth Wall finally falls asleep from the fatigue of protecting Kim Dokja from the exile penalty. He has to quicken his pace and tries to find a place named the Etika Clock Store. Kim Dokja then bumps into a beautiful young boy, who he recognizes as the second protagonist of Ways of Survival.

Meanwhile, Aileen Makerfield, the watchmaker of Etika, refuses an offer from two demon nobles. They accept her refusal, but then threaten to take hostage the beautiful boy who just reentered the shop if Aileen doesn't pay taxes of 50,000 coins. Aileen despairs, knowing that there was no way she could pay such an exorbitant amount of money, before Kim Dokja then enters the store and requests a commission for the exact amount of coins she needs.

The collectors decide its best to not mess with someone who can afford such an amount and just leave with their taxes. Kim Dokja then reveals to the others that he is an exile, and requests for Aileen, who has the special attribute "Story Expert," to fix his body. After the operation, Kim Dokja wakes up to see the beautiful boy in front of him, so he reveals that he knows everything about them, including their real name: Jang Hayoung. He feels a slight responsibility for them, since it was likely that the character was created because of his comments on Ways of Survival. While Jang Hayoung recoils in shock, Aileen appears with other members of the Syswitz Civil Council. Kim Dokja reveals even more information and then offers to defeat the duke that oppresses the complex. He proclaims his name as Yoo Joonghyuk and declares his intention to become the demon king of the 73rd Demon Realm.

Aileen says that the civil council has been long trying to destroy the factory and the duke, but all attempts failed. Kim Dokja understands but says that he is strong enough anyway. Aileen is skeptical and makes a deal with him. In exchange for Kim Dokja ruining an alliance between the Syswitz and Gilobat Industrial Complexes, Aileen would repair his body whenever he asks and also get him their revolutionary scenario.

The demon realm held scenarios as well, namely the "Revolutionary Scenario," which Kim Dokja wants to be a part of to stem his exile penalty. However, Aileen can't help him obtain the scenario due to not knowing who the revolutionary is. Regardless, Kim Dokja can't wait and soon leaves the shop to make his way to a nearby pub. He orders some food from the pub's owner and watches a screen depicting some scenes from Earth's scenarios. While watching the screen, he notices that his own face rarely appears and is somewhat distorted. Regardless, he sees Jang Hayoung in the pub and sits down with them. Jang Hayoung ironically expresses their desire to meet the "Demon King of Salvation," and Kim Dokja is momentarily confused about Jang Hayoung's gender. Right then, "Night" descends over the pub.

As a part of the revolutionary scenario, at "Night," an invincible executioner from the demon nobles would emerge to find a revolutionary. They would randomly choose a person to perform an unstoppable execution on. Jang Hayoung attempts to warn Kim Dokja, but then catches the attention of an executioner. To save them, Kim Dokja gets up and declares to everyone "I am the revolutionary."






