Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

Eden is the nebula that contains Jewish (and related) gods.

Eden is composed of the angels of the apocalypse, and the scourge of the demons and the eternal enemies of the Demon Realm. They are the guardians of the Celestial World, who don't fear any evil.[1]


  • Metatron, Scribe of Heaven (leader, former)
  • Uriel, Demon-Like Judge of Fire (leader, current)
  • Gabriel, Lily Blooming in Aquarius
  • Jophiel, Commander of the Red Cosmos
  • Raphael, Guardian of Youths and Travel
  • Michael, Savior of Corruption
  • Raguel, Friend of Justice and Harmony
  • Camael, the One who Faces God




After Uriel is placed on a 3 year ban from viewing the Star Stream, Gabriel and Jophiel take over her role and are ordered by Metatron to monitor Kim Dokja. When Kim Dokja is sent to the 1863rd round, Gabriel and Jophiel accompany him by disguising themselves as flowers, placed in his breast pocket. In the 1863rd round, Eden is destroyed, with only Uriel surviving. In a fit of rage, Uriel released Hell Flame Ignition and went on a rampage, before being subdued by Kim Dokja. Jophiel remained in the 1863rd round, while Kim Dokja and Gabriel returned to the 3rd round, where Gabriel relayed this information to Metatron.[2]

Duet between Good and Evil[]

Great War of Saints and Demons[]

During the Great War of Saints and Demons, Michael is ordered by Metatron to hunt constellations on the Middle Island in search of Kim Dokja.[3] A false revelation is released by Yoo Sangah, stating "The corrupted Archangel will die by the sword of a 'Swordmaster' on the island of the aged Forgotten People". It triggers a sub-scenario, "Archangel Hunting" and many constellations of the "Evil" alignment attempt to kill Michael. Michael is corrupted to transform into Lucifer, who has the Fable "Evil who destroys Evil". Kim Dokja consumes the Fruit of Good and Evil while in Demon King form, transforming into an angel. Michael receives a penalty for attacking someone on the "Good" alignment and his 176th incarnation body dies.




  • The livestream broadcast is known as the only drug allowed in Eden because of how boring the years that pass are in comparison to the broadcast.[1]
  • Insulting a fellow angel is a felony.[1]
  • Uriel is the reason why sheep exist in Eden. She was once told by Metatron to bring 10 lambs, which was a metaphor for worshippers, but she took the task too literally and brought real sheep. The sheep reproduced, and now there are countless sheep in Eden.[4]
  • Eden has a censorship system for all constellations in the nebula that censors curse words in order to maintain their reputation. Uriel is very frustrated by this as she curses a lot.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 ORV Novel Chapter 278 (read original)
  2. ORV Novel Chapter 294 (read original)
  3. ORV Novel Chapter 364 (read original)
  4. ORV Novel Chapter 315 (read original)