Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

Episode 2: Chapter 9 - Protagonist (3) is the ninth chapter of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.


Kim Dokja asks Lee Hyunsung and Han Myungoh if they would rather die to the survivor of carriage 3707 or if they would rather try surviving outside the train, to which Lee Hyunsung asks if Kim Dokja is sure that the survivor is a threat. Kim Dokja points out that if they survived, they had to have killed the people in their carriage, and therefore must have killed other humans. Han Myungoh and Lee Hyunsung attempt to pull the doors open in vain. Kim Dokja considers using coins to raise his strength stat. Instead, Kim Dokja encourages Lee Hyunsung to use a "skill". He checks the soldier through Character List, confirming that his sponsor is the same as in Ways of Survival, before guiding him through checking his Attributes Window and calling on the skill. Lee Hyunsung uses what Kim Dokja identifies as his stigma, Great Mountain Push, forcing open the door of the carriage.

The door between carriages has almost broken by the time they make it outside; however, the true danger comes from the dokkaebi floating above Dongho Bridge, who is frustrated at their early escape. Han Myungoh is frightened at his irritation, but the dokkaebi leaves them alone, because the sub scenario has begun. The scenario window appears, requiring everyone to cross the "broken bridge"; Yoo Sangah points out that the bridge is currently intact, but Kim Dokja quickly realizes that this means it will soon be broken, and orders everyone to run as fast as possible to cross it. The bridge is not broken because of their early exit from the train.

An ichthyosaur emerges from a whirlpool in Han River, below the bridge. The ichthyosaur attempts to chew on and destroy the bridge. Kim Dokja estimates that at their current speed, they should be able to cross before the bridge breaks; however, the dokkaebi increases the scenario's difficulty, causing the dead people from the train to be reanimated and chase after the party. Lee Hyunsung and Lee Gilyoung cross the bridge safely, but the others are too slow and are caught by the zombies. As they struggle through the enemies, the bridge breaks, leaving Kim Dokja, Yoo Sangah, and Han Myungoh alive but stranded.

However, Yoo Sangah's sponsor uses their power to cause a scenario Deus Ex Machina, creating an "Even Bridge" made of light, spanning the gap between the broken halves of Dongho Bridge. When Dokja tries to use Character List on Yoo Sangah the skill fails. Only an even number of people can cross the bridge, meaning only two of the three people can cross the bridge, leaving someone to die.





