Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

Episode 11: Chapter 53 - Night of the Prophets (4) is the fifty-third chapter of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.


A red aura traps everyone inside the station. The prophets grow excited at the thought of getting a star relic, but a system message appears announcing the appearance of an omen of the fifth main scenario. The 5th grade dragon species 'Lesser Dragon Igneel' hatches out of the meteorite as a 'disaster' that should have been apart of the fifth main scenario. Due to the complaints of some constellations, an intermediate dokkaebi appears to sort out the chaos. They choose to adjust the scenario content by giving everybody a hidden scenario "United You Die, Scattered You Die," that can be cleared by either hunting down the dragon or surviving 20 minutes.

The dragon starts breathing fire, and many prophets die. With knowledge of the dragon's attack patterns, Kim Dokja guides his party to dodge, and tells them there is no chance of winning in a fight. A hidden piece is activated to aid the incarnations. Numerous footholds, each inscribed with a number, appear around the station. Once the appropriate number of people steps on a foothold, an absolute shield would spawn after 10 seconds. However, if there were extraneous people, the shield wouldn't activate.

Many prophets, who were once friendly with each other, now fight brutally to step on some footholds. Kim tries to find whoever had planned this trap. Meanwhile, the only foothold near Kim Dokja's party of five is one that has the number '4' on it. With the dragons attack about done charging, a man cries out at Yoo Joonghyuk and says to follow him onto a foothold with the number '2' on it. Kim Dokja follows, and the man calmly reintroduces themself as prophet No. 1168, who had conversed with Kim Dokja earlier about the Demon King Asmodeus. However, Kim Dokja surveys his memories and recalls with certainty that the chapter that features Asmodeus was not before chapter 50, where all the prophets had stopped reading. He pulls out his blade and asks again for the persons identity. The man is visibly caught off guard.







