Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

Episode 7: Chapter 28 - Landlord (1) is the twenty-eighth chapter of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.


Kim Dokja's party follows Lee Jihye into Chungmuro Station, climbing onto the platforms. They encounter station inhabitants who chat casually with Lee Jihye and offer rooms for rent, but Lee Jihye orders them to go away, before telling the party that she plans to leave them be from here on. Kim Dokja and the others notice a boy wildly defending a green square on the platform ground, the reasons behind which Yoo Sangah wonders at. Kim Dokja asks Lee Jihye if she knows where Yoo Joonghyuk is, claiming to be his companion; she tells him that Yoo Joonghyuk isn't present and directs him to another one of the man's followers, sitting on the platform.

Yoo Joonghyuk's follower, a young boy around Lee Jihye's age, is excited to meet them, telling an uninterested Kim Dokja about his history with Yoo Joonghyuk. Kim Dokja summarizes his story quickly and dismisses him, leaving Lee Hyunsung to quiz him on the station's supplies and only rejoining to ask about the Landlord Alliance. Just then, Lee Gilyoung speaks up, asking to go to the bathroom on Yoo Sangah's behalf. The boy offers to take them upstairs to the bathrooms, explaining that they are difficult to access, and explains on the way that the green zones spread throughout the station are "rooms" related to the ongoing main scenario.

As they head upstairs, Kim Dokja learns from the boy that Yoo Joonghyuk told them to stand alone, not intending to challenge the Landlord Alliance. When they head up, the boy becomes tense and warns the party to be careful. In the passage leading to the bathroom, they encounter a crowd frantically pleading for mercy from "Pildu-ssi". Kim Dokja identifies some of the men overseeing the crowd as members of the Landlord Alliance, but is unable to identify the specific individual he is looking for.

At that moment, Lee Gilyoung trips, having been pushed by the crowd. A notification warns them that Lee Gilyoung has invaded private property, and the crowd pull back in terror while the Landlord Alliance members look on with derision. One of the men asks Lee Gilyoung what he thinks he's doing and informs him that he'll teach him a lesson about intruding on other people's land; a system notification announces that Gong Pildu has activated [Armed Zone] and demands 500 coins for the invasion. Upon Lee Gilyoung's retreat to Kim Dokja's side, the man speaking directs his attention to Kim Dokja, who wonders to himself why Yoo Joonghyuk let these jerks live.[1]





