Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

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Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki
Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint Wiki

Episode 35: Chapter 186 - The 73rd Demon King (5) is the one hundred and eighty-sixth chapter of Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint.


The dokkaebis in the bureau watch a screen depicting the action in the Dark Castle scenario. They see Kim Dokja scream after Yoo Joonghyuk. Although some of the conversation is filtered, everyone watching is completely immersed in the story.

Bihyung is reminded of his days as a young dokkaebi: taught to repeat and direct a story as stimulating and as exaggerated as possible. He knows what he watches on the screen is just a story, just like the countless other stories that will endlessly repeat, but struggles to ignore the emotions wriggling inside him.

The dokkaebi head of the Seoul branch Baram comments on the scenario with Bihyung. He notes that Kim Dokja's death is likely worth the incredible probability cost to the nebulae. Bihyung replies that believes in Kim Dokja's ability to live, but doesn't understand why he feels as such. Baram laughs and says that the fate predicted by the nebulae should not be so underestimated; it will soon be realized.

In the Dark Castle, Yoo Joonghyuk attempts to convince Kim Dokja to give up and allow him to become the demon king. Kim Dokja can't understand why Yoo Joonghyuk's sponsor, who had never before responded to anything in Ways of Survival, confirmed to Yoo Joonghyuk that the world wouldn't disappear this time. Regardless, Kim Dokja turns back and continues to fight, despite the other's pleas. He declares that Yoo Joonghyuk's death is not in the ending he wants, and that he would pay back the debt owed to Yoo Joonghyuk: the debt of life from the story Yoo Joonghyuk was depicted in, which had saved Kim Dokja throughout his childhood. Kim Dokja ultimately manages to knock the jade out of Yoo Joonghyuk's hands, which rolls over to Lee Gilyoung. Lee Gilyoung tries to run away, realizing that Kim Dokja was aiming to sacrifice himself, but he is too late, and Kim Dokja instantly makes up the distance. He snatches the jade and begins the transformation. While his companions scream out at him, the Star Stream finally announces his status as fable-grade and the tenth main scenario starts. Kim Dokja implores his companions to wake up and recall their training against the demon king. He laughs whilst knowing that today would be the day incarnation Kim Dokja dies.





