<Asgard> is the nebula that contains the constellations associated with the Gods in Norse mythology.
- Thor, Thursday's Thunder
- Freyja, Goddess of Love and Cats
- Loki, One Who Changes His Existence
- Baldr, God of Fairness and Friendliness
- Flame Giant Surtr, Flames of Muspelheim
- Odin, One-Eyed Father
- Bragi, God of Harp and Horn
- Heimdall, Guardian of the Great Horn Bridge
- Tyr, One Who Lost His Arm to the Wolf of Apocalypse
Sponsored Incarnation[]
Story Appearances[]
Asgard gives Anna Croft the funds to buy her demon eye from the dokkaebi bag.
Gourmet Association[]
At the Gourmet Association Thor, Anna Croft and Selena Kim are present.